5 Tips to Hire Pro Vue.js Developers. And an Ultimate Solution for That

Maryna Panchuk Head of IT Recruitment

If you need to find experienced Vue.js developers for hire, our BPO company is ready to do it via the Alcor turnkey solution. I understand that it may be hard to recruit such coders since this front-end JavaScript framework is relatively young and not widely utilized compared to Angular and React. However, you’re sure to fulfill this task if you do it with a reliable hiring partner. 

Businesses need UI developers with Vue.js experience to build web user interfaces and customized applications. What is more, this reactive JS framework can also be used for desktop and mobile apps. VueJS is gaining popularity since it allows developers to better structure their applications (from small apps to huge modular single-page ones) and achieve smooth and scalable development. So, how to find Vue.js developers for your company? 

 Hard skills of Vue.js devs

How to Hire Top Vue.js Developers: 5 Master Tips  

1. Choose Vue.js coders with the most essential hard skills 

First and foremost, your candidates must have experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, they need to be knowledgeable with new standards for JS, such as ES6, ES7, etc. because of its enhanced functionality. It would be essential for your coders to know the basics of a programming language like Vue and a JS library jQuery. 

Most backend and full-stack Vue.js engineers use Laravel, a model-view-controller PHP framework. Beyond that, your perfect Vue software developer must know how to work with Git, one of the most used open-source version control systems. 

2. Consider the soft skills of Vue.js developers for hire 

By the way, dedicated Vue coders communicate often with their colleagues and constantly develop their skills. They are very driven, motivated, and independent. At least, that’s what Ukrainian developers have to offer to employers. 

3. Ask the right questions to your candidates 

If you don’t outsource Vue.js development but look for long-term cooperation, you should be well prepared for the tech interview. For instance, ask your candidate to explain the logic of the VueJS app organization or let them talk about how to solve memory leaks in the framework.  

Some employers combine the technical interview with a coding session via CoderPad for developers to test their Vue.js expertise in practice. Many professional developers will refuse to perform test tasks but agree to demonstrate their skills during coding sessions. 

4. Provide your VueJS programmers with relevant benefits in 2021 

The quarantine has made it a necessity to provide employees with a flexible working schedule. That is why you should be able to either let your Vue developers work remotely or come to the office only a few times a week. 

Other work benefits that employers should offer are health insurance that covers possible Covid-19 expenses and family or medical leaves. Besides that, it’s great to have internal education programs for your new and existing teamor encourage them to participate in tech conferences to stay updated about the latest trends in your industry. 

5. Compare the Vue.js market of different countries 

Often, it’s expensive and difficult to hire in-house Vue and other coders in your country because of the high demand for them. Thus, some business leaders go to countries like Germany, the UK, or such regions as Eastern Europe in search of seasoned Vue.js engineers. 

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe that provides the biggest pool of IT talents – over 200,000 specialists. Each year, about 16,000 people with intermediate and higher levels of English graduate from tech universities. Moreover, effective tax incentives provided by the government let Ukrainian developers pay only 5% in income tax monthly, as they register as independent contractors. 

What about the salaries? Here is information of May 2021 on the top job-seeking websites in the world – GlassdoorPayScale, and Djinni. Please note that all salaries mentioned above are net. To calculate gross salaries in Ukraine, add 5% of taxes. 

 Vue.js salaries

Check also the average Node.js developer salary in different countries and regions!

Alcor Pro Solution: Turnkey Vue.js Development Team in Eastern Europe 

How to hire a Vue.js developer with minimum effort? Try delegating this challenging task to tech recruitment professionals. For example, Alcor is BPO services provider that not only hires the top VueJS programmers but also creates an R&D development hub abroad for you. 

How will we set up a dedicated offshore development center for you? 

  • IT recruitment 

First of all, we conduct an online meeting with you and take into account your staffing needs and requirements. Then, our professional IT researchers and recruiters will pick the most suitable candidates from 80,000 IT specialists in our database to hire Vue.js developers that meet your needs.

The next step will be the HR interview with Vue candidates that we conduct to test their soft skills. Sometimes, our clients opt for a short introduction call when we first get to know candidates. After that, you analyze the hard skills of developers and decide upon other interview stages. If you’re satisfied with the candidate, we can schedule a coding session or an extensive tech interview (or both) for you to check their skills in practice. As you can see, only the best specialists will receive your offer at the final interview. 

Such a responsible hiring process allowed us to recruit over 10 developers with different skills for a leading product tech company that produces a platform with patient data: Tonic Health. Before they found solutions at Alcor, this USA-based client faced job offer rejections from senior programmers in Ukraine. We actively marketed Tonic Health on Ukrainian social media and IT websites, and now every 2nd candidate knows the company. 

  • Legal & compliance 

A strong team of lawyers at Alcor will help your company legally function in Ukraine and your home country. We will plan and pay taxes in your stead, make sure your IP belongs to you, and even assist you in M&A deals if you need. 

  • Payroll & accounting 

After hiring Vue.js developers and legalizing their work in Ukraine, our team of finance experts will also be in charge of all the finances. For instance, we will pay salaries to your coders, maintain their records, come up with the most beneficial financial model for your business, and prepare detailed invoices each month, so you can control your cash flow. 

We did all of the above for one of the largest web content management system providers (for companies and enterprises based) in the United StatesSitecore. Our client had inefficient accounting and bookkeeping, so they reached out to Alcor to fix this problem. Eventually, we reviewed and optimized their payroll and accounting. Apart from that, Sitecore received full compliance of their documents with local and international laws and saved substantial costs because of our cheaper services. 

  • Real estate 

To help your team bond and have the most productive communication, the real estate managers of Alcor will find an office space, negotiate lease terms with landlords, make procurements, and do all the necessary decorations and furnishings.  

As well, we understand that the pandemic has changed the way people work now. That is why we have already renegotiated lease agreements for our existing clients and helped our new clients to set up home offices and infrastructure for their teams.  

  • Other services 

In case you need to promote your employer brand overseas to be more attractive to local developers, travel to Ukraine for business, or legalize your foreign team, our team is ready to do this and even more. 

Final Thoughts 

You may hire Vue.js developers yourself if you follow our 5 tips that I have mentioned above. However, it’s much easier to do it if you opt for cooperation with a pro recruitment agency that can hire such programmers for your business. 

Our company provides IT recruitment services backed up by legal, accounting, real estate, and other support. In this way, you will receive a full-cycle solution that will help you receive high-quality software development, not get stressed over back-office functions, and save considerable funds that you can invest in core business activities. 


What skills are the most important for Vue.js developers?

Professional VueJS coders must know Vue.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Laravel, and Git. Also, they should be able to effectively work in a team, communicate with colleagues, constantly develop their skills, and be motivated and driven.

How much do middle VueJS programmers earn per year?

For example, a middle Vue.js coder from the States earns $86,500 on average. Such a programmer from Germany charges $58,500 for the same services, while their counterparts in the UK receive $57,500. Ukrainian Vue engineers, on the other hand, earn only $30,000 per year.

Is it enough to provide high-level Vue.js coders with a competitive salary to hire them?

Nowadays, skilled VueJS developers want to obtain relevant benefits apart from a good wage. For instance, you should offer them a flexible schedule that combines office and remote work. Also, most employers provide programmers with health insurance that covers possible Covid-19 expenses and internal education programs to help the team grow professionally.

What is the most efficient way to hire Vue.js engineers?

If you want to hire middle or higher-level Vue programmers, follow local labor laws, keep track of your finances, set up home offices, and do other things, work with a professional vendor that can make it happen. Ideally, such a provider must specialize in IT recruitment and have prior hiring experience in your sphere.

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