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Total savings** *The price is not final **By savings we mean cost difference between USA and other countries
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If we don’t meet the deadlines – we will hire the rest of your team at no charge!

5 software developers within 1 month
20+ software developers within 3 months
100 software developers within 1 year

R&D center

Your reliable partner when building your own R&D center in Poland, Romania and other countries in Eastern Europe! Read More

Legal and Compliance

Tax planning, stock options for your offshore team, contracts review, visa help and IP rights consultations

Operational Support

IT kits for your software engineers, benefits management, office lease, and any other additional services

We do much more than tech recruitment

Alcor is an all-in-one place to establish and run a turnkey software R&D center:

  • Employer of Record support — no need to set up your legal entity
  • From 0 to 100 software developers in one key talent pool
  • Establish your corporate culture with your own team. No intermediary
  • No buy-out or other hidden fees

Get superior IT recruitment services

8 CVs

to get 1 accepted offer

80% of our candidates

are approved by clients

98,6% of our hires

pass probation

5 business days

to send you first CVs

2-6 weeks

to close a vacancy

2,5 years

is the average tenure of our hires


How to use the software team cost calculator?

The company didn’t have an in-house specialist who would be capable of legalizing its foreign IT professionals in Ukraine. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing, for example choosing the right circumstance for getting a permit, proving it to Ukrainian state officers, drafting, collecting, and correcting documents, negotiations with immigration officers and other state bodies, etc.
Grammarly realized the urgent need for the right immigration lawyer on their side and asked for outsourced assistance in Alcor. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing.

Is it free to use the software team cost calculator?

The company didn’t have an in-house specialist who would be capable of legalizing its foreign IT professionals in Ukraine. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing, for example choosing the right circumstance for getting a permit, proving it to Ukrainian state officers, drafting, collecting, and correcting documents, negotiations with immigration officers and other state bodies, etc.
Grammarly realized the urgent need for the right immigration lawyer on their side and asked for outsourced assistance in Alcor. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing.

What is the price composed of?

The company didn’t have an in-house specialist who would be capable of legalizing its foreign IT professionals in Ukraine. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing, for example choosing the right circumstance for getting a permit, proving it to Ukrainian state officers, drafting, collecting, and correcting documents, negotiations with immigration officers and other state bodies, etc.
Grammarly realized the urgent need for the right immigration lawyer on their side and asked for outsourced assistance in Alcor. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing.

What is the information technology team cost calculator doesn’t have
the specification or skill level that I’m looking for?

The company didn’t have an in-house specialist who would be capable of legalizing its foreign IT professionals in Ukraine. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing, for example choosing the right circumstance for getting a permit, proving it to Ukrainian state officers, drafting, collecting, and correcting documents, negotiations with immigration officers and other state bodies, etc.
Grammarly realized the urgent need for the right immigration lawyer on their side and asked for outsourced assistance in Alcor. The problem went further with the number of foreign employees rapidly growing. Ukrainian immigration law may look confusing.